James Crimson
Location: Yekaterinburg / Russia
Formation: one-man-band
Genres: rock, folk
James Crimson - acoustic and electric guitars, bass, ukulele tenor/ concerto, mandolin, drums and percussion, main and backing vocals, piano.
"In My Shelter" EP - Recorded in march - december 2015 at TELECLUBproduction, mixed by Dmitry Ragoutenok.
"I always wanted to make music, since I was 7. It all began, when my grandfather showed me the records of Elvis Presley and the Beatles. I was a big fan of Queen and Pink Floyd when I studied at college. That music influenced me so much at that time and still inspires me in theese days. In 2014 I wrote a few songs and decided to record them, but I couldn't find any musiciants who could play my music with soul, not just for money, you know. I was almost desparate. One day I went to see my friend and he said to me - why can't you do it yourself? You don't have to wait for anyone! He had a point. That's how I went to the studio and recorded my first EP. I think it's all about finding of your own path in this crazy world - that's why I called it "In my shelter" - everyone have their own shelter, and I've got music in my case".
CRIMSON & FOLKS - Magic Fire (EP) (2017)
"Evening gatherings in the countryside, the search for happiness, songs about the eternal things. "Magic Fire" is the second EP by Crimson & Folks, which is a mix of Western and Russian music traditions. You can hear rare Russian folk instruments, such as "Gusli" and emotional lyrics with references to Russian folk tales".
James Crimson (Dmitry Malinowski) - music and words, acoustic and electric guitars, ukulele concerto, mandolin,bass, vocals
Andrey Ponomarev - drums and percussion
Andrey Lebedev - cellos arrangement
Dmitry Yakovlev - cello
Savva Getz - additional backing vocals on "Lone Wolf"
Special thanks to Stepan Grammatic for the gusli intro
Cover art by Synthetic
Recorded and mixed by Dmitry Ragutenok at TELECLUB Production Studios, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Mastered by Chris Graham Mastering www.chrisgrahammastering.com
Links: soundcloud bandcamp
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