This autumn (or early winter) Fryvolic Art is planning to release “Ornaments – X Anniversary Expanded Edition” album, which you can call even “deluxe” if you want. Can you believe this album is ten years old?

“Ornaments” crucial album by Fryvolic Art, oryginally released in 2013, will come back in 2023, celebrating its X anniversary. The album will be enriched with new recordings, and the original tracks will be improved and expanded with additional instruments and vocals. The publication entitled “Ornaments – X Anniversary Expanded Edition” will also be decorated with a new cover, the appearance of which will remain a secret until the premiere 😉 More details soon!

Przełomowy album Fryvolic Art “Ornaments”, wydany w 2013 roku, powróci w roku 2023, w ramach świętowania dziesiątej rocznicy jego premiery. Album zostanie wzbogacony o nowe nagrania, a oryginalne utwory zostaną poprawione i rozbudowane o dodatkowe instrumentarium oraz nowe wokale. Wydawnictwo o tytule “Ornaments – X Anniversary Expanded Edition” zdobić będzie również nowa okładka, której wygląd do momentu premiery pozostanie tajemnicą 😉 Więcej szczegółów wkrótce!

Fryvolic Art – “Prophecy” (Original 2013 Video Version):

2013 album GFX, introducing DEFIL Aster Lux electric guitar (1992)

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